Wednesday, October 24, 2012

2 down, 2 to go!

We have finished our second of four home study visits for John's adoption.
On Sunday our social worker came over and sat at our dinning room table and conducted our personal interviews.
We also went over the financial statement since we wrote it up wrong last time not including any assets and had our income listed with the amount after taxes instead of before.
It looks much better now!
For those of you who are curious about the home study portion (I know we were) our social worker didn't go any farther than the dinning room table for this visit.
For our next visit she will interview the rest of the family.
This interview was supposed to be tomorrow and I was very excited she was speeding things along for us.
However, we are still awaiting my husband's birth certificate that is taking FOREVER and the agency won't agree to any more visits until that arrives which should be in TWO WEEKS.
My advice is as soon as you know you are going to adopt, order those certified copies of your birth certificates. I would hate for anyone else to be held up in the process like we are.

When I heard that yesterday I was upset and sad and I didn't want to be in that place in my mind.
SO, I did something positive and sent John his first care package.
We have sent a message to the orphanage through our agency, asking if John knows he is being adopted but they never answered.
This package could be a very big surprise for him then if he doesn't already know!
In it we have a letter translated into Chinese tell him all about us and our life and how very much we want him for our son.
We also included photos of us and our home and his room.
Just for an added touch of love we included money for the orphanage to buy him a celebratory cake.
He has seen many of his friends receive cakes for their birthdays that their adoptive families have bought for them.
NOW he is getting his own cake to celebrate not only his birthday we missed in August but the fact that he has a family.

One last bit of positive news is our adoption fund.
Did you notice that to the right?
It is now almost $300!
While we have a long way to go it is such a gift to know people truly care about helping us bring John home and into our family.

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