Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Do we know what we are doing?

While we are still awaiting the fliers to announce our BIG fundraiser, ( it's been rescheduled 3 times now and yes I know I promised to tell you by now and I will just as soon as I can. Promise!) I will go on to our second most asked question about our adoptions.

When most people find out we are adopting they have questions.
How much does it cost?
How long does it take?
Why a boy from China, aren't they all girls needing homes there?

And the big one lately that has really thrown me for a loop,
Why adopt a child with special needs?
I've had two people in the past week ask me if we realize what we are doing adopting handicapped children.
You can't possibly be talking about my boys.
I looked up the word handicapped in the dictionary.
hand·i·capped adjective: physically or mentally disabled.
I have to say whoever thinks our boys are disabled are sorely mistaken!
While Liam may not have two legs of equal length he is by no means disabled.
And John may have achondroplasia dwarfism but besides not being as tall as others his age he can pretty much do anything you and I can do.

Why would we choose to adopt these two boys with special needs?
Well to us, their needs are what makes them special to us!
I am inspired daily by ALL of my children who ALL have needs that are different and special than other children just in different variations.

We have three daughters who are 21, 17 and 13 and if you tell me they don't have a lot of needs from us right now, you'd be wrong!

I've been reminded that it isn't the same as we are "older" and taking on children with medical needs.
We know.
We CHOSE these boys for all they have to offer this world.
We CHOSE them because they are wonderfully and perfectly made.
We CHOSE them because they will be a gift to our family and to so many others whose lives they touch.

I always welcome questions about our adoption.
I only hope that by my answers, others may understand how these children are NOT a burden to us and our family but a true GIFT.

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